
Got The Midlife Scaries…Now What?

CONGRATULATIONS! You’re at the half way mark.

Half way to what? Can’t just be half way to dead… Can it?

We have all heard of other peoples inspiring midlife reinvention stories but are they really possible for everyone?

What about for those of us over 40? Or worse, those of us who don’t even know what it is we want to do next, or how to even get started figuring it all out.

Can a midlife remix really happen for anyone?

Maya Angelou writes, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” If only she told us how exactly to find that story.

That’s where Arlene Dickinson comes in, with her book Reinvention, and the promise of a reinvention blueprint. A roadmap. A step by step plan to find your next story.

She promises that “Reinvention doesn’t require Herculean inner strength, incredible luck, family money or divine intervention. It’s not rocket science, and you don’t need specialized training or a fancy degree to pull it off. What you do need is courage, conviction and a practical game plan.” Not sure if I have the first two, but I definitely got the book and can start there. 1 out of 3 ain’t bad.

But Now What?

  1. I guess the first step is just getting started. This blog is a start. A reinvention experiment. Will it be possible for a 47 year old, who wants a change but doesn’t really know what that looks like. I don’t know, but hoping Arlene doesn’t let me down.

Arlene writes that “one benefit of the reinvention process is that the first few steps involve looking inward and taking inventory, not making sudden and irreversible moves”. Not too scary. Even I can do that. I think.

To find out if you have what it takes to write your own reinvention story join me here http://www.thenextchapterblog.com

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